The Frank Nevin Homestead

In 1890 Confederate veteran Frank Nevin established a small, 160-acre homestead southeast of Rawlins. As the old open-range system was fast disappearing, he and his family grew vegetables and ran small herds of cattle and sheep. Archaeological excavations at the site have provided provide rich information about these changing times on the range.

Howard Zahniser, Lake Solitude and the Wilderness Act of 1964

Howard Zahniser (1906-1964), a Washington, D.C.–based leader of The Wilderness Society, was the chief author of and lobbyist for the 1964 Wilderness Act. Much of his inspiration, and one of his earliest preservation victories, came at Lake Solitude in Wyoming’s Bighorn Mountains.

Sam Gebo and the Leasing of Federal Coal

Sam Gebo, a brilliant capitalist and con man, developed coal mines in Montana, Alberta and Wyoming in the early 1900s. But his methods were fraudulent; he and seven of his partners were charged with crimes. But a new system of leasing federal coal grew out of the controversy—a system still in place today.

Preston B. Plumb: Senator of the West

Preston Plumb of Ohio, Kansas and, briefly, Wyoming was forthright, honest, tireless and fair. He founded an abolitionist newspaper. He smuggled rifles into Bleeding Kansas. As an army officer he served on the Kansas border and the Wyoming frontier. And as a U.S. senator, with great skill and persistence, he championed the interests of the West.

Japanese in Wyoming

The history of Japanese people in Wyoming is most often connected with the World War II internment camp at Heart Mountain. Yet Japanese railroad laborers were in Wyoming as early as 1892—and some may even have helped lay the tracks that delivered the internees to Heart Mountain two generations later.

The Frank Nevin Homestead
Howard Zahniser, Lake Solitude and the Wilderness Act of 1964
Sam Gebo and the Leasing of Federal Coal
Preston B. Plumb: Senator of the West
Japanese in Wyoming

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