Thirteen Ways to Think About Fort Reno

Quiz Yourself

Here are some questions to ask before you visit Fort Reno, while you’re there, and again after you return:

  1. Who lived at Fort Reno?
  2. Was there ever a wall around Fort Reno?
  3. Was it always named Fort Reno?
  4. What was life like at Fort Reno for Indian, white and mixed-blood people during the Indian Wars?
  5. What was the Bozeman Trail? What connection does it have with Fort Reno?
  6. Why did the U.S. Army build Fort Reno?
  7. Were there other forts on the Bozeman Trail? What were their names and where were they located?
  8. What was Red Cloud’s War? What connection did it have with Fort Reno?
  9. What was Cantonment Reno? Where was it located? Why was it different from Fort Reno?
  10. What was life like for soldiers at the fort? For their officers? For the officers’ wives and families?
  11. Did Indians ever attack the fort?
  12. Who could march faster, foot soldiers or horse soldiers? Where did the horse soldiers keep their horses? What did the horses eat?
  13. When did the Army leave? What happened to Fort Reno afterwards?

THERE ARE HUNDREDS of more good questions a person could ask about Fort Reno.

SEND US three interesting Fort Reno questions of your own. Be sure to identify your school and classroom teacher or note if you are home schooled when you send in questions. Contact for information on a 2014-2015 contest for submitting the most questions.