On the Trails in a Dangerous Year

The Civil War drew nearly all the Army’s attention and troops to the East, yet emigrants continued flooding west, many of them to escape the war. And the tribes resisted. Emigrant Tales of the Platte River Raids: An 1864 Trail Diary Companion gives background and context for the accounts of nearly 70 diarists who traveled the trails in 1864.

A Bird In Hand

The old saw, “A bird in hand is worth two in the bush” has to do with procuring food. But when you are banding, you’re giving rather than taking.

The Loves and Isolation

If ever three children could be said to be “raised in isolation,” they were Allan, David and Phoebe Love on their family’s ranch on Muskrat Creek.

More Wyoming Presidents’ Days

Last week in this space we detailed visits to Wyoming by presidents. Thanks to some alert readers, however, we’ve learned how wrong we were when we claimed those were the only ones.

Wyoming Presidents’ Days

Recently, we got a question from people who work at the Wyoming State Capitol: Is it true that Teddy Roosevelt once gave a speech from the second-floor balcony on the front of the building?

The Rest of the Story

Sometimes history surprises us. We think of it as full of things and people long ago that maybe don’t matter much. But then comes a whisper from somewhere unexpected, and history comes right up, stands next to us and we feel its presence, local and close.

Bonneville and Tom Paine

How Thomas Paine’s political ideas and contributions to the American Revolutionary period connect to Benjamin Bonneville and his career in the early American West.

Wyoming and Martin Luther King

After finishing a book about 1960s Wyoming and the Black 14, author Phil White began to wonder how the state’s reaction to those events compared to how people here responded to the King assassination, just a year and a half earlier.

How I Found Vie Garber

It doesn't take much of a dive into Sheridan County’s past before you bumped into the name Vie Willits Garber. In fact, it was impossible to explore the founding and evolution of the town of Big Horn without reading about Vie and her contributions to documenting its history.

Managing Wildlife—with Science

The Leopold Report, as it’s known, is more famous within the National Park Service than in the general population. That’s because Leopold’s solution was to ask bigger questions.