Gas Hills Uranium Mining District

A good way to see the mining and milling country of central Wyoming is to follow the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office’s Gold Flakes to Yellowcake Historic Mine Trail. See a PDF of the SHPO brochure, which includes a map, by clicking here or, if necessary, copying and pasting the URL directly into the URL address window on your browser.

For the “Yellowcake” half of the SHPO tour, travel to Jeffrey City on U.S. 287/Wyoming 489 and head north from there on Fremont County # 5, the Ore Road, about 25 miles to the Gas Hills uranium mining district, or follow Wyoming 136 east from Riverton 44 miles to the same spot. There are a number of reclaimed or inactive strip mines in the area. Continue north on the Dry Creek/Gas Hills Road, which soon becomes Natrona County #212, past more sites including the Lucky Mc mine, about 30 miles to Waltman on U.S. Highway 20-26. Wyoming 136 is paved, but the county roads are dirt, so sunny days in summer or fall are the best time to make the trip. Always carry water and a full tank of gas.